
Official visitor guide


Gonio-Apsarosi Fortress

From the archaeological viewpoint, Ajara belongs to the number of specially interesting eras of human civilization. The first settlements appeared here during the Paleolithic Age. There are many monuments from the Neolithic Age along the coastline as well as in the highlands. These data confirm that transition from a proprietary economy to a productive and cultural economy like Ancient East, Balkans, Egypt and China occurred around the 8th-7th cc BCE.

The Greek myth of Argonauts is connected with the ancient state unifications of Diaokhi and Colchis. Rich artifacts have been discovered on the territory in iron metallurgy. Archaeological finds show that local settlers made great contribution into the formation of the Colchis Kingdom in the economic, political and spiritual spheres of life. Especially rich materials are found to support Greek and Roman trade-economic and cultural relations. The museum funds preserve unique samples of pottery, artistic metalwork, jewelry and glassware, as well as local and foreign coins.
