
Official visitor guide


Dolphinarium Dolphinarium Dolphinarium Dolphinarium Dolphinarium
Address: Rustaveli str. 51
Tel.: +995 422 22 17 30
E-mail: pr@parkbatumi.ge

Batumi Dolphinarium was opened in 1975. At that time it was the first demonstrative dolphinarium in former Soviet Union. It used to belong to the greatest dolphinariums of the world. The existence of the dolphinarium, with the other sightseeings, made the town and the whole region more attractive for tourists. Alonside with local citizens there were a lot of people arriving especially for this event. Exactly such immense popuGelty of the dolphinarium determined the dolphin to become the symbol of the town. At the beginning of 90-ies due to the difficulties caused by the political-economic situation in the country the dolphinarium stopped functioning. After 20-year pause completely new dolphinarium was set in the motion by the initiative of Batumi City Hall and with the effort of the charity fund "Cartu".
